Outreach material
Gaia posters
Here you find thirteen posters dealing with Gaia and Astrometry, ready to be printed in high resolution. These posters were produced by collegues from Barcelona, Dresden and Heidelberg: http://gaia.geo.tu-dresden.de/GaiaPosters/
Flyers and brochures
Gaia - ESA's galactic census - Copyright ESA
The Little Books of Gaia:
The little books of Gaia provide short summaries of the Gaia mission on A4 sized pages which can be foldet to little booklets.
- TALES OF THE UNIVERSE: An introduction to astronomy for children (and the young at heart!)
- HISTORY OF ASTROMETRY: From Hipparchus to Gaia:What is astrometry? Why do we want to measure the distances to the stars? What techniques have astronomers used for this?
- THE GALAXY IN WHICH WE LIVE:How Gaia will revolutionise our understanding of astronomy and, in particular, how it will reveal the origin and evolution of our Milky Way Galaxy.
- A 3-D TOUR OF OUR GALAXY: A three-dimensional journey to well-known stars and clusters in our Galaxy.
- EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT GAIA!: An answer to all those questions about Gaia that you wanted to ask.
- THE SEARCH FOR PLANETS: Gaia will find enormous numbers of other planets outside our Solar System. This booklet explains how.
These books were produced by A. Colorado-McEvoy..
Here you find folding instructions.
Gaia Videos
In these YouTube playlist you can find videos on
Gaia Sky - It is a real-time, 3D, astronomy visualisation software that runs on Windows, Linux and OSX. It is developed in the framework of ESA's Gaia mission outreach.
Download it right away and start navigating the Galaxy!