Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Welcome to the Centre for Astronomy of Heidelberg University

The Landessternwarte Königstuhl (LSW) mourns the loss of Dr. Gerhard Klare, who died on July 24, 2024 at the age of 92. (2024/07/25)

Since July 1, 2024, Prof. Dr. Joachim Wambsganss (ZAH/ARI) is director of ZAH. He succeeds Prof. Dr. Norbert Christlieb, who was director since July 1, 2021 and who is now ZAH deputy director. (2024/07/01)

The Young Academy welcomed ten young scientists as new members, amongst them Dominika Wylezalek (ZAH/ARI). New members have the opportunity to e.g. initiate interdisciplinary research projects and working groups. (2024/06/24)

German Research Foundation and Foundation for Polish Science jointly honour Heidelberg scientist and his colleague Andrzej Udalski from Warsaw. (2024/05/22)

The Harvard Radcliffe Institute announced the selection of Ralf Klessen (ZAH/ITA) as a fellow for the academic year 24/25. This provides him the opportunity to pursue ambitious projects in the unique environment of the Institute. (2024/05/13)

For the second time, Anna Pasquali received the teaching award from the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Heidelberg University. (2024/04/24)

zum Seitenanfang/up
Next Astro colloquia
Sep 13
Dima Semenov (MPIA)
Königstuhl Kolloquium
Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, Level 3 Lecture Hall (301)
Sep 13
Dima Semenov (MPIA)
Königstuhl Kolloquium
Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, Level 3 Lecture Hall (301)
Sep 13
Shri Kulkarni (Caltech)
Königstuhl Kolloquium
Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, Level 3 Lecture Hall (301)

Astro & Physics talks in HD

Heidelberg Physics Seminar and Talks Organizer (HePhysTo)

Recent ZAH publications
Polles, Fiorella L.; Fadda, Dario et al. (inc. Ramambason, Lise; Chevance, Mélanie)
Electron Density Distribution in H II Regions in IC 10
AJ 168, 117(2024)

Sana, H.; Tramper, F. et al. (inc. Sander, A. A. C.; Ramachandran, V.; Larkin, C. J. K.)
X-Shooting ULLYSES: Massive stars at low metallicity. II. DR1: Advanced optical data products for the Magellanic Clouds
A&A 688, A104(2024)

Wei, Dandan; Schneider, Fabian R. N. et al. (inc. Vetter, Marco; Röpke, Friedrich K.; Laplace, Eva)
Evolution and final fate of massive post-common-envelope binaries
A&A 688, A87(2024)