ARI is partner or principal inverstigator in many national and international networks and projects. A short description of the projects listed below can be found at " ARI project description".

- DFG Priority Programme "Witnesses of Cosmic History: Formation and evolution of black holes, galaxies and their environment" (SPP 1177) (R. Spurzem)

- Modelling Dense Stellar Systems (MODEST) (R. Spurzem)
- International Research and Graduate School for Nonlinear Dynamics in Active Galactic Nuclei and Planetary Systems (IRGDYN) (R. Spurzem)

- EU Training and Research Network "European Leadership in Space Astrometry" (ELSA) (U. Bastian)
- Gaia Research Network for European Astronomy Training (EU ITN GREAT) (E. Grebel)
- Gaia Research Network for European Astronomy Training (EU RNP GREAT) (E. Grebel)

- Astrometric satellite mission (Gaia) (U. Bastian, E. Grebel)
- Probing Lens Anomaly NETwork (PLANET) (J. Wambsganß)

- Sloan Digital Sky Survey III (SDSS III) (E. Grebel, A. Just)
- RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) (E. Grebel, S. Röser)
- Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS) (E. Grebel, J. Wambsganß)

- VW project GRApe + mpraCE (GRACE) (R. Spurzem)
- German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory (GAVO) (J. Wambsganß)
- "E-Science" and "Grid middleware" project (AstroGrid-D, WissGrid) (J. Wambsganß)