Zofia Kaczmarek, M.Sc.
Astronomisches Rechen-Institut
Neubau, Room N.1-14
Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg
Astronomisches Rechen-Institut
Mönchhofstr. 12-14
69120 Heidelberg
Astronomisches Rechen-Institut
Mönchhofstr. 12-14
69120 Heidelberg
Kaczmarek, Zofia; McGill, Peter et al.
On Finding Black Holes in Photometric Microlensing Surveys
ApJ 981, 183(2025)
Kaczmarek, Zofia; McGill, Peter et al.
On Finding Black Holes in Photometric Microlensing Surveys
ApJ 981, 183(2025)
Howil, K.; Wyrzykowski, Ł. et al. (inc. Kaczmarek, Z.)
Uncovering the invisible: A study of Gaia18ajz, a candidate black hole revealed by microlensing
A&A 694, A94(2025)
Howil, K.; Wyrzykowski, Ł. et al. (inc. Kaczmarek, Z.)
Uncovering the invisible: A study of Gaia18ajz, a candidate black hole revealed by microlensing
A&A 694, A94(2025)
Kruszyńska, K.; Wyrzykowski, Ł. et al. (inc. Kaczmarek, Z.)
Dark lens candidates from Gaia Data Release 3
A&A 692, A28(2024)
Kruszyńska, K.; Wyrzykowski, Ł. et al. (inc. Kaczmarek, Z.)
Dark lens candidates from Gaia Data Release 3
A&A 692, A28(2024)
Maskoliūnas, M.; Wyrzykowski, Ł. et al. (inc. Wambsganss, J.; Tsapras, Y.; Hundertmark, M.; Heidt, J.; Kaczmarek, Z.)
Lens Mass Estimate in the Galactic Disk Extreme Parallax Microlensing Event Gaia19dke
AcA 74, 77(2024)
Maskoliūnas, M.; Wyrzykowski, Ł. et al. (inc. Wambsganss, J.; Tsapras, Y.; Hundertmark, M.; Heidt, J.; Kaczmarek, Z.)
Lens Mass Estimate in the Galactic Disk Extreme Parallax Microlensing Event Gaia19dke
AcA 74, 77(2024)
Gaia Collaboration; Panuzzo, P. et al. (inc. Sagristà Sellés, A.; Kaczmarek, Z.; Juaristi Campillo, J.; del Peloso, E. F.; Balog, Z.; Löffler, W.; Jordan, S.; Altmann, M.; Gracia-Abril, G.; Biermann, M.; Bastian, U.)
Discovery of a dormant 33 solar-mass black hole in pre-release Gaia astrometry
A&A 686, L2(2024)
Gaia Collaboration; Panuzzo, P. et al. (inc. Sagristà Sellés, A.; Kaczmarek, Z.; Juaristi Campillo, J.; del Peloso, E. F.; Balog, Z.; Löffler, W.; Jordan, S.; Altmann, M.; Gracia-Abril, G.; Biermann, M.; Bastian, U.)
Discovery of a dormant 33 solar-mass black hole in pre-release Gaia astrometry
A&A 686, L2(2024)
Kaczmarek, Zofia; McGill, Peter et al.
Spatially resolved microlensing time-scale distributions across the Galactic bulge with the VVV survey
MNRAS 529, 1308(2024)
Kaczmarek, Zofia; McGill, Peter et al.
Spatially resolved microlensing time-scale distributions across the Galactic bulge with the VVV survey
MNRAS 529, 1308(2024)