Prof. Dr. Michela Mapelli
Institut für Theoretische Astrophysik
Albert-Ueberle-Str. 2, Room 103_8030.01.103
Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg
Institut für Theoretische Astrophysik
Albert-Überle-Str. 2
69120 Heidelberg
Institut für Theoretische Astrophysik
Albert-Überle-Str. 2
69120 Heidelberg
binary compact objects - massive binary stars - star clusters - gravitational waves
Ruiz-Rocha, Krystal; Holley-Bockelmann, Kelly et al. (inc. Mapelli, Michela)
A Sea of Black Holes: Characterizing the LISA Signature for Stellar-origin Black Hole Binaries
ApJ 981, 27(2025)
Ruiz-Rocha, Krystal; Holley-Bockelmann, Kelly et al. (inc. Mapelli, Michela)
A Sea of Black Holes: Characterizing the LISA Signature for Stellar-origin Black Hole Binaries
ApJ 981, 27(2025)
Lecroq, Marie; Charlot, Stéphane et al. (inc. Mapelli, Michela)
A new prescription for the spectral properties of population III stellar populations
A&A 695, A17(2025)
Lecroq, Marie; Charlot, Stéphane et al. (inc. Mapelli, Michela)
A new prescription for the spectral properties of population III stellar populations
A&A 695, A17(2025)
Abac, A. G.; Abbott, R. et al. (inc. Rinaldi, S.; Mapelli, M.)
A Search Using GEO600 for Gravitational Waves Coincident with Fast Radio Bursts from SGR 1935+2154
ApJ 977, 255(2024)
Abac, A. G.; Abbott, R. et al. (inc. Rinaldi, S.; Mapelli, M.)
A Search Using GEO600 for Gravitational Waves Coincident with Fast Radio Bursts from SGR 1935+2154
ApJ 977, 255(2024)
Santoliquido, Filippo; Dupletsa, Ulyana et al. (inc. Mapelli, Michela)
Classifying binary black holes from Population III stars with the Einstein Telescope: A machine-learning approach
A&A 690, A362(2024)
Santoliquido, Filippo; Dupletsa, Ulyana et al. (inc. Mapelli, Michela)
Classifying binary black holes from Population III stars with the Einstein Telescope: A machine-learning approach
A&A 690, A362(2024)
Prodan, George P.; Pasquato, Mario et al. (inc. Mapelli, Michela; Torniamenti, Stefano)
A machine learning framework to generate star cluster realisations
A&A 690, A274(2024)
Prodan, George P.; Pasquato, Mario et al. (inc. Mapelli, Michela; Torniamenti, Stefano)
A machine learning framework to generate star cluster realisations
A&A 690, A274(2024)
Iorio, Giuliano; Torniamenti, Stefano et al. (inc. Mestichelli, Benedetta; Lacchin, Elena; Vaccaro, M. Paola; Korb, Erika; Rinaldi, Stefano; Mapelli, Michela)
The boring history of Gaia BH3 from isolated binary evolution
A&A 690, A144(2024)
Iorio, Giuliano; Torniamenti, Stefano et al. (inc. Mestichelli, Benedetta; Lacchin, Elena; Vaccaro, M. Paola; Korb, Erika; Rinaldi, Stefano; Mapelli, Michela)
The boring history of Gaia BH3 from isolated binary evolution
A&A 690, A144(2024)
Mestichelli, Benedetta; Mapelli, Michela et al. (inc. Torniamenti, Stefano)
Binary black hole mergers from Population III star clusters
A&A 690, A106(2024)
Mestichelli, Benedetta; Mapelli, Michela et al. (inc. Torniamenti, Stefano)
Binary black hole mergers from Population III star clusters
A&A 690, A106(2024)
Torniamenti, Stefano; Mapelli, Michela et al. (inc. Vaccaro, Maria Paola)
Hierarchical binary black hole mergers in globular clusters: Mass function and evolution with redshift
A&A 688, A148(2024)
Torniamenti, Stefano; Mapelli, Michela et al. (inc. Vaccaro, Maria Paola)
Hierarchical binary black hole mergers in globular clusters: Mass function and evolution with redshift
A&A 688, A148(2024)
Abac, A. G.; Abbott, R. et al. (inc. Rinaldi, S.; Mapelli, M.)
Observation of Gravitational Waves from the Coalescence of a 2.5–4.5 M ⊙ Compact Object and a Neutron Star
ApJ 970, L34(2024)
Abac, A. G.; Abbott, R. et al. (inc. Rinaldi, S.; Mapelli, M.)
Observation of Gravitational Waves from the Coalescence of a 2.5–4.5 M ⊙ Compact Object and a Neutron Star
ApJ 970, L34(2024)
Vaccaro, Maria Paola; Mapelli, Michela et al. (inc. Torniamenti, Stefano)
Impact of gas hardening on the population properties of hierarchical black hole mergers in active galactic nucleus disks
A&A 685, A51(2024)
Vaccaro, Maria Paola; Mapelli, Michela et al. (inc. Torniamenti, Stefano)
Impact of gas hardening on the population properties of hierarchical black hole mergers in active galactic nucleus disks
A&A 685, A51(2024)
Rinaldi, Stefano; Del Pozzo, Walter et al. (inc. Mapelli, Michela)
Evidence of evolution of the black hole mass function with redshift
A&A 684, A204(2024)
Rinaldi, Stefano; Del Pozzo, Walter et al. (inc. Mapelli, Michela)
Evidence of evolution of the black hole mass function with redshift
A&A 684, A204(2024)
Pierra, Grégoire; Mastrogiovanni, Simone et al. (inc. Mapelli, Michela)
Study of systematics on the cosmological inference of the Hubble constant from gravitational wave standard sirens
PhRvD 109, h3504(2024)
Pierra, Grégoire; Mastrogiovanni, Simone et al. (inc. Mapelli, Michela)
Study of systematics on the cosmological inference of the Hubble constant from gravitational wave standard sirens
PhRvD 109, h3504(2024)
Pasquato, Mario; Trevisan, Piero et al. (inc. Mapelli, Michela)
Interpretable Machine Learning for Finding Intermediate-mass Black Holes
ApJ 965, 89(2024)
Pasquato, Mario; Trevisan, Piero et al. (inc. Mapelli, Michela)
Interpretable Machine Learning for Finding Intermediate-mass Black Holes
ApJ 965, 89(2024)
Dall'Amico, Marco; Mapelli, Michela et al. (inc. Torniamenti, Stefano)
Eccentric black hole mergers via three-body interactions in young, globular, and nuclear star clusters
A&A 683, A186(2024)
Dall'Amico, Marco; Mapelli, Michela et al. (inc. Torniamenti, Stefano)
Eccentric black hole mergers via three-body interactions in young, globular, and nuclear star clusters
A&A 683, A186(2024)
Arca Sedda, Manuel; Kamlah, Albrecht W. H. et al. (inc. Grebel, Eva K.; Mapelli, Michela; Berczik, Peter; Spurzem, Rainer)
The DRAGON-II simulations - I. Evolution of single and binary compact objects in star clusters with up to 1 million stars
MNRAS 528, 5119(2024)
Arca Sedda, Manuel; Kamlah, Albrecht W. H. et al. (inc. Grebel, Eva K.; Mapelli, Michela; Berczik, Peter; Spurzem, Rainer)
The DRAGON-II simulations - I. Evolution of single and binary compact objects in star clusters with up to 1 million stars
MNRAS 528, 5119(2024)
Guarcello, M. G.; Flaccomio, E. et al. (inc. Mapelli, M.; Grebel, E. K.)
EWOCS-I: The catalog of X-ray sources in Westerlund 1 from the Extended Westerlund 1 and 2 Open Clusters Survey
A&A 682, A49(2024)
Guarcello, M. G.; Flaccomio, E. et al. (inc. Mapelli, M.; Grebel, E. K.)
EWOCS-I: The catalog of X-ray sources in Westerlund 1 from the Extended Westerlund 1 and 2 Open Clusters Survey
A&A 682, A49(2024)
Lecroq, Marie; Charlot, Stéphane et al. (inc. Mapelli, Michela)
Nebular emission from young stellar populations including binary stars
MNRAS 527, 9480(2024)
Lecroq, Marie; Charlot, Stéphane et al. (inc. Mapelli, Michela)
Nebular emission from young stellar populations including binary stars
MNRAS 527, 9480(2024)
Périgois, Carole; Mapelli, Michela et al.
Binary Black Hole Spins: Model Selection with GWTC-3
Univ 9, 507(2023)
Périgois, Carole; Mapelli, Michela et al.
Binary Black Hole Spins: Model Selection with GWTC-3
Univ 9, 507(2023)
Sgalletta, Cecilia; Iorio, Giuliano et al. (inc. Mapelli, Michela)
Binary neutron star populations in the Milky Way
MNRAS 526, 2210(2023)
Sgalletta, Cecilia; Iorio, Giuliano et al. (inc. Mapelli, Michela)
Binary neutron star populations in the Milky Way
MNRAS 526, 2210(2023)
Rastello, Sara; Iorio, Giuliano et al. (inc. Mapelli, Michela)
Dynamical formation of Gaia BH1 in a young star cluster
MNRAS 526, 740(2023)
Rastello, Sara; Iorio, Giuliano et al. (inc. Mapelli, Michela)
Dynamical formation of Gaia BH1 in a young star cluster
MNRAS 526, 740(2023)
Mould, Matthew; Gerosa, Davide et al. (inc. Mapelli, Michela)
One to many: comparing single gravitational-wave events to astrophysical populations
MNRAS 525, 3986(2023)
Mould, Matthew; Gerosa, Davide et al. (inc. Mapelli, Michela)
One to many: comparing single gravitational-wave events to astrophysical populations
MNRAS 525, 3986(2023)
Costa, Guglielmo; Mapelli, Michela et al. (inc. Klessen, Ralf S.)
Massive binary black holes from Population II and III stars
MNRAS 525, 2891(2023)
Costa, Guglielmo; Mapelli, Michela et al. (inc. Klessen, Ralf S.)
Massive binary black holes from Population II and III stars
MNRAS 525, 2891(2023)