Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Mass Storage

Obviously the mass stoarge is physical limited. Additionally there is a logical restriction on a per user base, called “quota”. You can ask for your quota useing the command



There are five columns in the output:

  1. file system: the location of your data, if any.
  2. usage: your actual disk usage.
  3. soft quota: your permanently available disk space
  4. hard quota: If you exceed this limit, you will no longer be able to make writing operations.
  5. grace time: The remaining time for which you may exceed the soft limit up to the hard limit (starts with 5 days).

Mass Storage Shortage

If you are short of disk space, do:

  1. Purge obsolate data
  2. Ask <link typo3 dokuwiki doku.php our_administrators>our administrators for more disk space.
  3. Ask <link typo3 dokuwiki doku.php our_administrators>our administrators for buying more disks.
  4. Do not bother our directors with that balderdash.
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