Past Talks
HJAC Talk Archive
Previous talks are listed here, along with links to the recordings when available.
Summer Term 2019
Program of the summer term 2019:
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title | Movie |
30 Apr. 2019 | Bryan Gaensler | Dunlap Institute Toronto (CA) | Radio polarimetry and the magnetic universe | movie |
7 May 2019 | Frans Snik | Leiden Observatory (NL) | Advanced optical instrumentation for the characterization of habitable planets, including our own Earth | movie |
14 May 2019 | Anders Johansen | Lund Observatory (SE) | Planet formation in protoplanetary discs around young stars | |
21 May 2019 | Adam Leroy | Ohio State University (US) | Surveying the physical state of cold gas in nearby galaxies in the ALMA era | |
28 May 2019 | Karen Meech | University of Hawaii (US) | The story of Oumuamua, the first visitor from another star system | |
4 Jun 2019 | Brian Metzger | Columbia University (US) | The multi-messenger picture of neutron star mergers | movie |
11 Jun 2019 | Nanda Rea | ISS Barcelona (ES) | Strongly magnetic neutron stars and their connection with the most powerful transient events | |
18 Jun 2019 | Norbert Langer | Bonn University (DE) | Exciting gravitational waves: Messages from merging black holes | |
25 Jun 2019 | Sabine Reffert | Heidelberg University (D) | Exoplanets around stars of different masses and evolutionary stages | |
2 Jul 2019 | Pratika Dayal | Kapteyn Institute Groningen (NL) | Early galaxy formation and its large-scale effects | |
9 Jul 2019 | Maria Bergemann | MPIA Heidelberg (DE) | Reading physics from stellar spectra | |
16 Jul 2019 | Andreas Burkert | LMU Munich (DE) | Declining rotation curves, missing baryons, massive clumps and extreme turbulence: the puzzling properties of high-redshift disk galaxies | |
23 Jul 2019 | Sui Ann Mao | MPIfR Bonn (DE) | Galactic magnetism: Past, present and future |
Winter Term 2018/2019
Program of the winter term 2018/2019:
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title | Movie |
23 Oct 2018 | Cathie Clarke | IoA, Cambridge (UK) | The photoevaporation of protoplanetary discs | movie |
30 Oct 2018 | Bruno Leibundgut | ESO, Garching (D) | H0 and the never-ending story of the expansion rate of the universe | movie |
6 Nov 2018 | Simon Glover | ZAH, Heidelberg (D) | The role of chemistry in the formation of stars | |
13 Nov 2018 | Richard Tuffs | MPIK, Heidelberg (D) | The growth of spiral galaxies over cosmic time | movie |
20 Nov 2018 | Patrick Hennebelle | CEA, Saclay (F) | What sets the stellar initial mass function? Why is it so universal? | |
27 Nov 2018 | Brian Metzger | Columbia University (US) | Asteroid Vesta and Jupiter’s formation: an astrochemical tale | movie |
4 Dec 2018 | Anastasia Fialkov | IoA, Cambridge (UK) | Probing the early universe with neutral hydrogen | movie |
11 Dec 2018 | Timothy Beers | University of Notre Dame (USA) | Carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars: probes of first-star nucleosynthesis and galaxy assembly | |
18 Dec 2018 | Henrik Beuther | MPIA, Heidelberg (D) | Star formation from kpc to hundreds of AU scales | movie |
8 Jan 2019 | Lars Hernquist | Harvard University (USA) | The IllustrisTNG Project | |
15 Jan 2019 | Claudia Travaglio | INAF Turino (I) | How nucleosynthesis can constrain explosions? New perspectives using multi-D supernova models | |
22 Jan 2019 | Pieter van Dokkum | Yale University (USA) | Hunting ghostly galaxies with the Dragonfly Telephoto Array | |
29 Jan 2019 | Lia Athanassoula | LAM, Marseille (F) | Formation and properties of galactic disks: The N-body view | |
5 Feb 2019 | Francoise Combes | Observatoire de Paris (F) | Molecular tori, black hole fueling and feedback in nearby AGN | movie |
Summer Term 2018
Program of the summer term 2018:
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title | Movie |
24 April 2018 | Henk Hoestra | Sterrewacht Leiden (NL) | Weak lensing by large-scale structure as an accurate probe of cosmology and much more! | movie |
8 May 2018 | Jorrit Leenarts | Stockholms Universitet (S) | Understanding the solar chromosphere | movie |
15 May 2018 | Giuliana Fiorentino | INAF Bologna (I) | Pulsating variables as tracers of the galaxy formation | |
22 May 2018 | Kate Maguire | University of Belfast (UK) | Type Ia supernovae: From explosions to cosmology | |
29 May 2018 | Francois Boulanger | Universite Paris-Sud (F) | The Planck view at the magnetized dusty interstellar medium | |
6 June 2018 | Andreas Wolf | MPI für Kernphysik, Heidelberg (D) | Molecular interactions in dilute media studied with fast ion beams in the Heidelberg Cryogenic Storage Ring | |
12 June 2018 | Karl-Heinz Kampert | Universität Wuppertal (D) | Multi-messenger astronomy with ultra-high energy cosmic rays | movie |
19 June 2018 | Mario Trieloff | Universität Heidelberg (D) | Interstellar grains analysed by the Cassini and Stardust space missions | |
27 June 2018 | John Kirk | MPI für Kernphysik, Heidelberg (D) | Pulsar winds | movie |
3 July 2018 | Lisa Kewley | Australian National University (AU) | Galaxy formation and evolution in 3D | movie |
10 July 2018 | Sergio Molilari | INAF Rome (I) | From the Galaxy to clumps and back again: a tale of star formation from Galactic plane surveys | movie |
17 July 2018 | Cornelis Dullemond | Universität Heidelberg (D) | Protoplanetary disks at high angular resolution | |
24 July 2018 | Gabriella de Lucia | INAF Trieste (I) | Models of galaxy formation and evolutions: recent progress and open questions – the view from the GAlaxy Evolution and Assembly (GAEA) model | movie |
Winter Term 2017/18
Program of the winter term 2017/18:
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title | Movie |
24 Oct 2017 | Paul Barklem | Uppsala Universitet (SE) | Quantum mechanics and stellar spectroscopy: towards accurate abundance analysis of late-type stars | slides |
14 Nov 2017 | Fabian Walter | MPI für Astronomie, Heidelberg (DE) | Quasars in the epoch of reionization | slides |
21 Nov 2017 | Søren Larsen | Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (NL) | The chemical composition of globular clusters throughout the Local Group | movie |
28 Nov 2017 | Ignas Snellen | Sterrewacht Leiden (NL) | Exoplanets and the search for extraterrestrial life | movie |
5 Dec 2017 | Ewine van Dishoeck | Sterrewacht Leiden (NL) | Zooming in on planet-forming zones of disks around young stars | |
12 Dec 2017 | Ariel Goobar | Stockholms Universitet (SE) | Charting new physics territories with time-domain astronomy | movie |
19 Dec 2017 | Tilmann Denk | Freie Universität Berlin (DE) | Cassini at Saturn: Mission accomplished | movie |
9 Jan 2018 | Maria Lugaro | Konkoly Obszervatorium (HU) | Nucleosynthesis and the origin of stardust grains | movie |
16 Jan 2018 | Vernesa Smolcic | Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (HR) | Black hole mass growth across cosmic time: Insights from radio surveys | movie |
23 Jan 2018 | Lutz Wisotzki | Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (DE) | The circumgalactic medium of high redshift galaxies in emission | |
30 Jan 2018 | Frans Pretorius | Perimeter Institute, Princeton (USA) | Black holes in the era of gravitational wave astronomy | movie |
6 Feb 2018 | Alessandra Buonanno | MPI für Gravitationsphysik, Potsdam (DE) | Gravitational wave emission and their multi-messenger signatures |
Summer Term 2017
Program of the summer term 2017:
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title | Movie |
25 April 2017 | Björn Malte Schäfer | Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg (DE) | Intrinsically aligned galaxies in weak lensing data | movie |
2 May 2017 | Andreas Quirrenbach | Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg (DE) | CARMENES: Searching for blue planets orbiting red stars | movie |
9 May 2017 | Selma de Mink | Univ. of Amsterdam (NL) | On the rare stellar marriages that live happily ever after to eventually merge as binary black holes | movie |
16 May 2017 | Genevieve Parmentier | Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg (DE) | Volume-density-driven star formation in the Galaxy | movie |
23 May 2017 | Steve Shore | University of Pisa (I) | Comic test ban violators: classical novae across the spectrum | movie |
30 May 2017 | Kevin Heng | University of Bern (CH) | Exoplanetary atmospheres | movie |
6 June 2017 | Dominik Schwarz | Universität Bielefeld (De) | Do we understand the cosmic dipole? | |
13 June 2017 | Michele Cappellari | University of Oxford (UK) | Studying galaxies in three dimensions | movie |
20 June 2017 | Isabelle Baraffe | University of Exeter (UK) | On the front of exoplanet modelling | movie |
27 June 2017 | Annalisa Pillipich | MPI für Astronomie, Heidelberg (De) | IllustrisTNG: The new frontier to understand the co-evolution of dark-matter and galaxies with cosmological simulations of structure formation | movie |
4 July 2017 | Joss Bland-Hawthorn | University of Sydney (Australia) | The archaeology of large-scale structure | movie |
11 July 2017 | Sadegh Khochfar | University of Edinburgh (UK) | The first billion years of galaxy evolution | movie |
18 July 2017 | James Osborne | University of Durham (UK) | Characterising atmospheric turbulence for advanced optical astronomical observations | movie |
25 July 2017 | John Magorrian | University of Oxford (UK) | The centre of M31 | movie |
Winter Term 2016/17
Program of the winter term 2016/17:
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title | Movie |
25 Oct 2016 | Ellen Zweibel | University of Wisconsin, Madison (USA) | Cosmic ray feedback: Written on the wind | movie |
8 Nov 2016 | Hendrik Hildebrandt | Argelander Institut, Bonn (DE) | Weak gravitational lensing by large-scale structure | movie |
15 Nov 2016 | Steve Longmore | John Moores University, Liverpool (UK) | The Galactic Centre: a template for understanding star formation and feedback in a high-pressure environment | movie |
22 Nov 2016 | Misato Fukagawa | Natl. Astron Observatory of Japan, Osawa (Japan) | Unveiling the structure of planet-forming disks | movie |
29 Nov 2016 | Simon Albrecht | Aarhus University (DK) | Exoplanets@SAC: System architectures of exoplanet systems | movie |
6 Dec 2016 | Ian Smail | Durham University (UK) | ALMA studies of dust-obscured starbursts in the distant Universe | movie |
13 Dec 2016 | Jochen Weller | LMU, München (DE) | Cosmology with clusters of galaxies | movie |
20 Dec 2016 | Stefan Jordan | Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg (DE) | Physik und Astronomie in Entenhausen (in German) | |
10 Jan 2017 | Linda Tacconi | MPE, Garching (DE) | Molecular gas, star formation and galaxy dynamics from z~2.5 – 0 | movie |
17 Jan 2017 | Else Starkenburg | AIP, Potsdam (DE) | Galactic archaeology to its limits | movie |
24 Jan 2017 | Sherry Suyu | MPA, Garching (DE) | Shedding light on the dark cosmos through gravitational lensing | movie |
31 Jan 2017 | Adrianne Slyz | University of Oxford (UK) | From gas to stars in galaxies | movie |
7 Feb 2017 | Ulrich Bastian | Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg (DE) | Gaia 1992-2017: Twenty-five years of kinks & bends – and always uphill | movie |
Summer Term 2016
Program of the summer term 2016:
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title | Movie |
26 April 2016 | Harald Krüger | MPS Göttingen | The Rosetta/Philae mission to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko | movie |
3 May 2016 | Ian Roederer | UMich | Rare Elements from the First Stars to Today | movie |
10 May 2016 | Richard Ellis | ESO/Caltech | Spectroscopic Studies of Galaxies in the Reionisation Era | movie |
17 May 2016 | John Wise | GATech | Simulating Cosmic Dawn: Predictions for JWST | movie |
24 May 2016 | Georges Meynet | Uni Geneve | Stellar rotation across the cosmic history: from first stars to present day star-planet interactions | movie |
31 May 2016 | Benedetta Ciardi | MPA | Cosmic Reionization: Theoretical Modeling and Challenging Observations | movie |
7 June 2016 | Simona Vegetti | ESO | Gravitationally imaging dark matter with strong gravitational lensing | movie |
14 June 2016 | Andrew Gould | Ohio State/MPIA | Space-Based Microlensing: From Planets to Black Holes | movie |
21 June 2016 | Romain Teyssier | Uni Zürich | From large to small scales and back: the challenges of computational cosmology and galaxy formation | movie |
28 June 2016 | Julien Lesgourgues | RWTH Aachen | TBD | movie |
5 July 2016 | Andrew King | Uni Leicester | Supermassive Black Holes: Feeding and Feedback | movie |
12 July 2016 | Mark Vogelsberger | MIT | The Era of Large-Scale Cosmological Simulations: exploring large and small scales simultaneously | movie |
19 July 2016 | Melanie Koehler | QMUL | Dust evolution due to accretion and coagulation in the ISM | movie |
26 July 2016 | Christoph Pfrommer | HITS | How cosmic rays shape galaxies | movie |
Winter Term 2015/16
Program of the winter term 2015/16:
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title | Movie |
20 October 2015 | Norman Murray | CITA | Collapse and Star Formation in Self-gravitating Turbulent Fluids | movie |
27 October 2015 | Juna Kollmeier | Carnegie | Cosmological Calorimetry: The nature of the intergalactic medium and the photon underproduction crisis | movie |
03 November 2015 | Ralph Pudritz | McMaster/ITA | Radiative feedback and the formation of massive stars and clusters | movie |
10 November 2015 | Avishai Dekel | Hebrew Uni | Galaxy Formation at its Peak | movie |
17 November 2015 | Vasili Belokurov | Cambridge | Learning about the Dark Matter with stellar streams | movie |
24 November 2015 | Karin Lind | MPIA | How much iron is in our stars? | movie |
01 December 2015 | Steve Balbus | Oxford | Convection and rotations in stars | movie |
08 December 2015 | Silke Britzen | MPIfR | Supermassive Black Holes: From Jets to the Event Horizon | movie |
15 December 2015 | Leonardo Testi | ESO | ALMA and the dawn of planetary systems | movie |
22 December 2015 | Christina Ifrim | Uni-HD | The end of the Cretaceous: the causes for the dinosaur extinction 65 Myr ago | movie |
12 Januar 2016 | Stefan Funk | Uni Erlangen | The gamma-ray Universe | movie |
19 Januar 2016 | Eva Schinnerer | MPIA | Regulation of Star Formation in Galactic Disks | movie |
26 Januar 2016 | Pasquale Blasi | INAF | Cosmic Rays: from sources to Earth | movie |
02 Februar 2016 | Dan Weisz | UC Berkeley | A PHAT New Measurement of the High-Mass IMF | movie |
Summer Term 2015
Program of the summer term 2015:
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title | Movie |
21 April 2015 | Simon White | MPA Garching | Simulating the formation and evolution of the galaxy population | movie |
28 April 2015 | Charlie Conroy | Harvard, USA | Extragalactic Archeology | movie |
5 May 2015 | Matthias Bartelmann | ITA | A microscopic approach to cosmic structure formation | movie |
12 May 2015 | Ralph Schoenrich | Oxford, UK | New Data, New Methods: Chemodynamic Milky Way Models challenged by modern Surveys | movie |
19 May 2015 | Caitlin Casey | UC Irvine, USA | Dust-obscured starbursts and their implications for galaxy assembly at early times | movie |
26 May 2015 | Scott Tremaine | IAS Princeton | How did extrasolar planets get their orbits? | movie |
2 June 2015 | Jacco Vink | U. Amsterdam, NL | Are supernova remnants the dominant source of galactic cosmic rays? | movie |
9 June 2015 | Anatoly Spitkovsky | Princeton U., USA | Acceleration of particles in astrophysical shocks | movie |
16 June 2015 | Thomas Baumgarte | Bowdoin College, USA | Black Holes on the Computer | movie |
23 June 2015 | Jessica Agarwal | (MPS-Göttingen) | Active asteroids: primordial ice, collisions, rotational breakup? | movie |
30 June 2015 | Alberto Krone-Martins | (U. Lisbon, Portugal) | The fourth Paradigm of Science in Astronomy | movie |
7 July 2015 | Boris Gaensicke | (U. Warwick) | Evolved planetary systems around white dwarfs | movie |
14 July 2015 | Jenny Greene | Princeton U., USA | MASSIVE Galaxies and Small Supermassive Black Holes | movie |
21 July 2015 | Alexander Heger | Monash, AU | Life and Death of the First Stars | movie |
Winter Term 2014/15
Program of the winter term 2014/15:
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title | Movie |
21 October 2014 | Mark Krumholz | UCSC | The Origin of the Stellar Initial Mass Function | movie |
28 October 2014 | Mike Rich | UCLA | The Galactic Bulge: Current Perspective, New Surveys | movie |
4 November 2014 | Nadine Neumayer | MPIA | Nuclear Star Clusters and Black Holes | movie |
11 November 2014 | Hubert Klahr | MPIA | The Cradles of Planets – Turbulent Gas Disks around Young Stars | movie |
18 November 2014 | Lars Bergström | Stockholm | Has Dark Matter Finally Been Found? | movie |
25 November 2014 | Jacqueline van Gorkom | Columbia | Gas and Galaxy Evolution: From Voids to Clusters, Near and Far | movie |
2 December 2014 | Rainer Beck | MPIfR | Observing Magnetic Fields in Galaxies and Prospects with the Square Kilometre Array | movie |
9 December 2014 | Kevin Schawinski | ETH-Zurich | The Complex Ends of Galaxy Lives: Star Formation, Black Hole Feedback and the Fate of Gas Reservoirs | movie |
16 December 2014 | Eric Gaidos | Hawaii | Snowlines, Red Dwarfs, and Little Green Beings: A Cosmic Tale of Origins | movie |
13 Januar 2015 | Thorsten Enßlin | MPA | Our Universe – Cosmological Results of the Planck Mission | movie |
20 Januar 2015 | Francesco Haardt | Uni Milano | The Cosmic Ionising Background: from the Reionsation Era to Present Days | movie |
27 Januar 2015 | Bruce Allen | MPG-AEI | The Search for Gravitational Waves | movie |
3 Februar 2015 | Alan Heavens | Imperial College | Fundamental Physics from Gravitational Lensing | movie |
Summer Term 2014
Program of the summer term 2014:
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title | Movie |
22 April 2014 | Roberto Capuzzo Dolcetta | Univ. Rome | From classical celestial mechanics to modern stellar dynamics in Astronomy | movie |
29 April 2014 | Carsten Dominik | Uni Amsterdam | Transition: When protoplanetary disks reveal their planetary system | movie |
06 May 2014 | Alessandro Morbidelli | Obs Nice | Solar System formation and evolution | movie |
16 May 2014 | Francis Halzen | Univ. Wisconsin | IceCube and the Discovery of High-Energy Cosmic Neutrinos – | |
20 May 2014 | Paolo Molaro | Obs. Astron. Trieste | Astronomical probes of fundamental constants | movie |
27 May 2014 | Annette Ferguson | Univ. Edinburgh | The Peripheries of Galaxies: Dim but not Dull | |
03 June 2014 | Almudena Arcones | TU Darmstadt | Making gold in core-collapse supernovae and neutron star mergers | movie |
10 June 2014 | Catherine Heymans | Univ Edinburgh | Observing the Dark Universe | movie |
17 June 2014 | James Binney | Oxford University | Extracting Science from Surveys of our Galaxy | movie |
24 June 2014 | Karin Öberg | CfA | The chemistry of planet formation | movie |
01 July 2014 | Werner Hofmann | MPIK | Very high energy gamma ray astronomy: from H.E.S.S. to CTA | |
08 July 2014 | Stefanie Walch | Uni Köln | The turbulent life-cycle of molecular clouds | movie |
15 July 2014 | Nicolas Cowan | Northwestern Univ. | Planetary Science from the Top-Down: the Exoplanet Opportunity | |
22 July 2014 | Philip Hopkins | Caltech | TBD | movie |
Winter Term 2013/14
Program of the winter term 2013/14:
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title | Movie |
22 October 2013 | Steen Hannestad | Uni Aarhus | Cosmology as a laboratory for neutrino physics | movie |
29 October 2013 | Marc Pinsonneault | Ohio State | The Inner Lives of Stars: Asteroseismology, Stellar Physics, and Stellar Populations | movie |
05 November 2013 | David Charbonneau | Harvard | The Fast Track to Finding an Inhabited Exoplanet | movie |
12 November 2013 | Pavel Kroupa | Uni Bonn | The vast polar structures around the Milky Way and Andromeda, and the implications for fundamental physics | movie |
19 November 2013 | Marta Volonteri | IAP Paris | The growth of massive black holes | movie |
26 November 2013 | Roberto Battiston | Trento | Precision Cosmic Ray Physics with AMS on the International Space Station | movie |
03 December 2013 | Jarle Brinchmann | Leiden | The gas content of galaxies at z<0.2 | movie |
10 December 2013 | Shri Kulkarni | Caltech | Booms, Burps & Bumps: The Dynamic Universe | movie |
17 December 2013 | Reinhard Genzel | MPE | The formation and evolution of massive star forming disks | movie |
07 January 2014 | Hyung Mok Lee | Univ Seoul | What can we learn from the observations of gravitational waves? | movie |
14 January 2014 | Eiichiro Komatsu | MPA-Garching | Testing the Theory of the Early Universe using the Cosmic Microwave Background | movie |
21 January 2014 | Thierry Montmerle | IAP Paris | Hot and Cold: Non-thermal phenomena in star-forming regions | movie |
28 January 2014 | Guido De Marchi | ESA | Star formation in the Magellanic clouds as seen by low mass stars | movie |
04 February 2014 | Laura Ferrarese | Herzberg | New insights into the Virgo Cluster |
Summer Term 2013
Program of the summer term 2013:
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title | Movie |
Friday 26 Apr 2013 | Brian Schmidt | Australian National University, Aus | Type Ia Supernovae, The Accelerating Cosmos, and Dark Energy | |
30 Apr 2013 | — cancelled — | |||
7 May 2013 | Chris Kochanek | Ohio, USA | Dusty Explosions From Dusty Stars | movie |
14 May 2013 | Artie Hatzes | Tautenburg, DE | Digging in the Dirt: Finding Exo-Earths in the presence of stellar noise | movie |
21 May 2013 | Christoph Mordasini | MPIA | Planet formation and evolution models: statistical comparisons with observations | movie |
28 May 2013 | Imke de Pater | Berkeley, USA | Exploring our Solar System using 8-10 m telescopes | |
4 Jun 2013 | Max Pettini | Cambridge, UK | Near-pristine gas at intermediate redshifts: a window to early nucleosynthesis | movie |
11 Jun 2013 | Thomas Janka | MPA, DE | Unravelling the Explosion Mechanism of Massive Stars – Supernova Models Confronting Observations | movie |
18 Jun 2013 | Bjoern Schaefer | UniHD | Cosmology and astronomy with the Planck-surveyor | movie |
25 Jun 2013 | Raffaella Schneider | Roma, IT | The first stars and galaxies | podcast |
2 Jul 2013 | Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz | Santa Cruz, USA | Profiling Massive Black Holes through Stellar Tidal Disruption | movie |
9 Jul 2013 | Frank van den Bosch | Yale, USA | On the Assembly of Galaxies in Dark Matter Haloes | movie |
23 Jul 2013 | Eva Grebel | UniHD | Dwarf Galaxies and Their Role as Building Blocks |
Summer Term 2012
Program of the summer term 2012:
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title |
24 Apr 2012 | Ralf Klessen | ZAH/ITA | Star Formation (abstract, slides, podcast) |
8 May 2012 | Chris Sneden | University of Texas, Austin | New Initiatives on RR Lyrae Chemical Compositions (abstract, slides, podcast) |
15 May 2012 | Tony Bell | Clarendon Laboratory, University of Oxford | Cosmic Ray Acceleration (abstract, slides, podcast) |
22 May 2012 | Thomas Platz | FU Berlin | Volcanism on Mars and Other Worlds (abstract, slides, podcast) |
29 May 2012 | Thomas Puzia | Pontificia Universidad Catolica | Extragalactic Globular Clusters (abstract) |
5 Jun 2012 | Hans Kjeldsen | Stellar Astrophysics Centre, Aarhus University, Denmark | The KEPLER Mission: Changing our View of Stars and Exoplanets (abstract, slides) |
12 Jun 2012 | Kristina Giesel | University of Erlangen-Nürnberg | Quantum Gravity (abstract, slides, podcast) |
19 Jun 2012 | Joseph Silk | IAP/JHU/Oxford | Dark Matters (abstract, podcast) |
26 Jun 2012 | Karlheinz Langanke | GSI Darmstadt | The FAIR Chance for Nuclear Astrophysics (abstract, slides, podcast) |
3 Jul 2012 | Antonella Natta | Arcetri Observatory | Making Earths from Interstellar Grains: Evidence of Grain Processing in Proto-planetary Disks (abstract, slides, podcast) |
10 Jul 2012 | Andrea Stolte | Argelander Institut für Astronomie, Bonn | Milky Way Starburst Clusters (abstract, slides, podcast) |
17 Jul 2012 | Joachim Wambsganss | ZAH/ARI | How to Find and Count Extrasolar Planets with the Gravitational Microlensing Technique (abstract, podcast) |
24 Jul 2012 | Bruce Elmegreen | IBM T.J.Watson Research Center | Formation of Star Clusters (abstract, slides, podcast) |
Winter Term 2011/12
Program of the winter term 2011/12:
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title |
18 Oct 2011 | Stefan Wagner | ZAH/LSW | Very High Energy Astrophysics (abstract, slides, podcast) |
25 Oct 2011 | Naoki Yoshida | IPMU, University of Tokyo | Simulating the Structure Formation in the Universe at Low and High Redshifts (abstract, slides, podcast) |
8 Nov 2011 | Ian Bonnell | University of St. Andrews | Star Formation and Feedback in Spiral Galaxies (abstract, podcast) |
15 Nov 2011 | Susanne Pfalzner | MPI Bonn | The Birth Environment of our Solar System (abstract, slides, podcast) |
22 Nov 2011 | Gerda Horneck | DLR Köln | From Habitability to the Origin and Evolution of Life (abstract, slides, podcast) |
29 Nov 2011 | Norbert Langer | University of Bonn | Pre-Supernova Evolution of Massive Stars (abstract, slides, podcast) |
6 Dec 2011 | Matthias Bartelmann | ZAH/ITA | From Shape Measurement to Cluster Reconstruction: Some New Methods in Gravitational Lensing (abstract, podcast) |
13 Dec 2011 | Thomas Henning | MPIA | The Laboratory Astrophysics of Cosmic Dust (abstract, slides, podcast) |
20 Dec 2011 | Mike Edmunds | Cardiff University | The Antikythera Mechanism (abstract, podcast) |
10 Jan 2012 | Joop Schaye | Leiden Observatory | Gas around Galaxies (abstract, slides, podcast) |
17 Jan 2012 | Claude Nicollier | Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne | Servicing the Hubble Space Telescope: An Astronaut’s Story (abstract, slides, podcast) |
24 Jan 2012 | Oskar v. d. Lühe | Kiepenheuer Institute, Freiburg | Solar Observations with GREGOR (abstract, slides, podcast) |
31 Jan 2012 | Melvyn Davies | Lund Observatory | The Dynamical Evolution of Exoplanet Systems (abstract, slides, podcast) |
Summer Term 2011
Preliminary program of the summer term 2011:
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title |
19 April | Michael Kramer | MPIfR Bonn | The Square Kilometer Array (abstract) (podcast) |
26 April | Piero Rosati | ESO | Testing the LCDM paradigm with the mass distribution and abundance of massive galaxy clusters out to z=1.4 (abstract) (podcast) |
03 May | Andreas Seifahrt | UC Davis | Detection and characterization of extrasolar planets in the near infrared (abstract) (podcast) |
10 May | Thorsten Naab | MPA | Galaxy collisions (abstract) (podcast) |
17 May | Sheila Kannappan | UNC Chapel Hill | The dependence of gas richness and disk building on galaxy mass (abstract) |
24 May | Harald Kuntschner | ESO Garching | Towards a new paradigm for early-type galaxies (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) |
31 May | Stephan Rosswog | Jacobs University Bremen | Compact binary mergers (abstract) (podcast) |
07 June | Victor Debattista | U Central Lancashire | The dynamics of dark and visible matter in galaxies (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) |
14 June | Barbara Ercolano | Universitäts-Sternwarte München | Ionisation feedback in star formation (abstract) (podcast) |
21 June | Zoltan Haiman | Columbia University | The formation of the first supermassive black holes (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) |
28 June | Eve Ostriker | U Maryland | Understanding galactic-scale star formation (abstract) (podcast) |
05 July | Simon Portegies Zwart | U Leiden | Ecology of star clusters (abstract) (podcast) |
12 July | Rolf Kudritzki | IfA, Hawai’i | Stellar spectroscopy unleashed–ELTs and red supergiants in the Coma cluster (abstract) (podcast); Hawai’i Aloha |
19 July | Tim Beers | Michigan State University, JINA, and ZAH | Carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars in the halo system of the Galaxy and their link with high-redshift damped Lyman alpha systems (abstract) (podcast); Take Four, Observatory Blues |
Winter Term 2010/11
Program for the winter term 2010/11:
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title |
19 Oct 2010 | Genevieve Parmentier | AIfA, Bonn | Star clusters as crucial tracers of galaxy evolution and probes into star formation (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) |
26 Oct 2010 | Ute Lisenfeld | Caltech | The infrared-radio correlation in galaxies (abstract) (podcast) |
02 Nov 2010 | Joseph Hennawi | MPIA | Quasars probing quasars: thinking outside of the grid (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) |
09 Nov 2010 | Oliver Krause | MPIA | Light-echo spectroscopy of historical supernovae (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) |
16 Nov 2010 | Romain Teyssier | U Zürich and CEA Saclay | Cosmological simulations of galaxy formation (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) |
23 Nov 2010 | Albert Zijlstra | Manchester | Formation and evolution of planetary nebulae (abstract) (podcast) |
30 Nov 2010 | Willy Kley | Tübingen | The formation of planetary systems (abstract) (podcast) |
07 Dec 2010 | Stephen Warren | Imperial College London | UKIDSS, and searches for high-redshift quasars (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) |
14 Dec 2010 | Matteo Viel | Trieste Observatory | Cosmological spectroscopy of the high-redshift Universe: status and perspectives (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) |
21 Dec 2010 | Karlheinz Meier | U Heidelberg | Make your own dark matter – in principle and in practice (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) |
11 Jan 2011 | Alice Quillen | U Rochester | Small scale structure in the Milky Way disk and halo (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) |
18 Jan 2011 | Brian Reville | U Oxford | Fermi acceleration at relativistic shocks and its radiative signatures (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) |
25 Jan 2011 | Norbert Przybilla | U Erlangen-Nürnberg | Massive stars as tracers for stellar and galactochemical evolution (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) |
01 Feb 2011 | Stefano Borgani | U Trieste | Galaxy clusters: tools for cosmology and laboratories for astrophysics (abstract) |
Summer Term 2010
Program of the summer term 2010:
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title |
20 April 2010 | Stefan Schael | RWTH Aachen | The search for dark matter with AMS on the ISS (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) |
27 April 2010 | Ansgar Reiners | University of Göttingen | Rotation and activity in cool stars (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) |
04 May 2010 | Eva Schinnerer | MPIA Heidelberg | The Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) (podcast) |
11 May 2010 | David Southwood | ESA | ESA’s cosmic vision (abstract) (podcast) |
18 May 2010 | Guy Perrin | Observatoire de Paris/LESIA | Understanding the fate of stars: imaging the surface of red giants and supergiants (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) |
25 May 2010 | Giovanna Tinetti | University College London | Exploring extrasolar worlds: from gas giants to terrestrial habitable planets (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) |
01 June 2010 | Timothy Beers | Michigan State University and ZAH | The metallicity distribution function(s) of halo stars as revealed by SDSS/SEGUE (abstract) (podcast) |
08 June 2010 | Lister Stavely-Smith | University of Western Australia | Supernova remnant 1987A after 23 years (abstract) (podcast) |
15 June 2010 | Dieter Lutz | MPE, Garching | First results from the Herschel deep extragalactic surveys (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) |
22 June 2010 | Zeljko Ivezic | University of Washington, Seattle | Reaching for the sky with SDSS and LSST (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) |
29 June 2010 | Zoë Leinhardt | Cambridge | Forming protoplanets from planetesimals (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) |
06 July 2010 | Rainer Schödel | Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, Granada | Continually evolving: our understanding of the Galactic center (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) |
13 July 2010 | Gary Zank | University of Alabama in Huntsville | The interaction of the Solar and stellar winds with the interstellar medium (abstract) |
20 July 2010 | 11th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC XI) |
Winter Term 2009/10
Program for the winter term 2009/10:
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title |
20 Oct 2009 | Tom Abel | Stanford | Star formation then and now (abstract) |
27 Oct 2009 | Isobel Hook | Oxford | The European Extremely Large Telescope (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (slides/.ppt) (video/.evo) |
03 Nov 2009 | Hendrik Schatz | Michigan State | Rare isotopes in cosmic explosions and in accelerators on Earth (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (video/.evo) |
10 Nov 2009 | Knud Jahnke | MPIA | Co-evolution of galaxies and black holes (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) |
17 Nov 2009 | Steen Hansen | Copenhagen | Why cosmological dark matter structures look the way they do (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) |
24 Nov 2009 | Mike Gladders | U Chicago | Bright arcs around optically selected clusters: from a handful to hundreds (abstract) (podcast) |
01 Dec 2009 | Kandaswamy Subramanian | Pune | Magnetic fields in the early Universe (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) |
08 Dec 2009 | Cristina Chiappini | Geneva | Chemical enrichment of the Milky Way: a local benchmark to cosmology (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) |
15 Dec 2009 | Olaf Reimer | Innsbruck | Fermi’s first year in orbit (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) |
22 Dec 2009 | Klaus Hübner | Heidelberg | Der 150. Geburtstag der Astrophysik: Gustav Kirchhoffs Spektroskopie der Sonne (abstract) (podcast) |
12 Jan 2010 | Rodrigo Ibata | Strasbourg | Galaxy halos at high spatial resolution: to Andromeda and beyond (abstract) (podcast) |
19 Jan 2010 | Lucio Mayer | ETH Zürich | Frontiers in galaxy formation; from the origin of bulgeless galaxies to the formation of supermassive black holes (abstract) (slides: .pdf; .ppt) (podcasts: 640×360/0.8GB; 960×540/1.9GB) |
26 Jan 2010 | Saleem Zaroubi | Groningen | Probing the epoch of re-ionization with LOFAR (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcasts: 640×360/0.7GB; 960×540/1.8GB) |
02 Feb 2010 | Richard Davies | MPE | Star formation in the central regions of AGN (abstract) (podcasts: 640×360/0.7GB; 960×540/1.7GB) |