Dr. Emily Lauren Hunt
Nordinstitut, Room 101
Postal Address
Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg
Königstuhl 12
69117 Heidelberg
Königstuhl 12
69117 Heidelberg
Research interests
Finding new open clusters using Gaia data and automated computational methods, such as clustering algorithms, Bayesian inference, and machine learning.
Spaeth, Dane; Reffert, Sabine; Hunt, Emily L.; Kaminski, Adrian; Quirrenbach, Andreas
Non-radial oscillations mimicking a brown dwarf orbiting the cluster giant NGC 4349 No. 127
A&A 689, A91(2024)
Spaeth, Dane; Reffert, Sabine; Hunt, Emily L.; Kaminski, Adrian; Quirrenbach, Andreas
Non-radial oscillations mimicking a brown dwarf orbiting the cluster giant NGC 4349 No. 127
A&A 689, A91(2024)
Swiggum, Cameren; Alves, João et al. (inc. Reffert, Sabine; Hunt, Emily L.)
Most nearby young star clusters formed in three massive complexes
Natur 631, 49(2024)
Swiggum, Cameren; Alves, João et al. (inc. Reffert, Sabine; Hunt, Emily L.)
Most nearby young star clusters formed in three massive complexes
Natur 631, 49(2024)
Hunt, Emily L.; Reffert, Sabine
Improving the open cluster census. III. Using cluster masses, radii, and dynamics to create a cleaned open cluster catalogue
A&A 686, A42(2024)
Hunt, Emily L.; Reffert, Sabine
Improving the open cluster census. III. Using cluster masses, radii, and dynamics to create a cleaned open cluster catalogue
A&A 686, A42(2024)
Hunt, Emily L.; Reffert, Sabine
Improving the open cluster census. II. An all-sky cluster catalogue with Gaia DR3
A&A 673, A114(2023)
Hunt, Emily L.; Reffert, Sabine
Improving the open cluster census. II. An all-sky cluster catalogue with Gaia DR3
A&A 673, A114(2023)
Hunt, Emily L.; Reffert, Sabine
Improving the open cluster census. I. Comparison of clustering algorithms applied to Gaia DR2 data
A&A 646, A104(2021)
Hunt, Emily L.; Reffert, Sabine
Improving the open cluster census. I. Comparison of clustering algorithms applied to Gaia DR2 data
A&A 646, A104(2021)